Where the wild plants are
This week, the children enjoying going out onto the school grounds to look for wild plants. They used their brilliant investigative brains to find dandelions, nettles, daisies and other common wild plants.
This week, the children enjoying going out onto the school grounds to look for wild plants. They used their brilliant investigative brains to find dandelions, nettles, daisies and other common wild plants.
Last half term, Year 1 created a spectacular coral reef made from pasta. The children built and decorated all the coral themselves - they should be very proud of the rather effective reef they have created. [...]
Today in Year 1 we tried a number of different objects to check if they would float or sink. We were all surprised by a couple of objects. Take a look at our results and test yourself.
Today for our science project in Year 1. We looked at Non Newtonian Liquids. When force is acted upon a Non Newtonian Liquid it acts like a solid and becomes hard. Once it stops moving it becomes a liquid again. You can try this at home with cornflour and water. Add a little food [...]
Today for Science Week, Year 1 took part in an experiment to create a homemade lava lamp. The children were all very excited to see the results of using a variety of everyday ingredients. Bicarbonate of soda Vinegar Vegetable oil Food Colouring. [...]
Hello again Year 1, I have what will hopefully final week of online learning for you. This week we are going to be poets and create our own 'Everything' Pizza. We also have live teaching sessions every morning at 9:15am - please do your best to join me. Last week was very positive with [...]
For anybody who missed our session today (24.02.21), I have done a short video showing you the alternative C sound. I hope you enjoy Keep smiling Mr Boyd
Hello and a big welcome back to everyone. I hope you have all had a restful half term break and are ready for a new half term filled with wonderful opportunities. You will find all of this weeks work attached on the side -> I would also like to remind everyone about our daily [...]
Hello Year 1 To give you a little bit more help in phonics, I have created 3 videos which go through the split digraph sounds. Feel free to watch and practise! Keep smiling Mr Boyd
We have arrived at the last week before Half Term. I am sure you are all excited about a brand new week filled with exciting experiences and possibilities. For anyone who was not on the Bench of Glory call on Friday, I would like to reiterate my thanks and praise to all the work [...]