In addition to the standard pupil unit funding, schools also receive additional funding to specifically address inequalities between pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers.
Pupil Premium (£1455) is paid for any pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years. Pupil Premium Plus (£2530) is allocated to Looked After Children and children adopted from care. £335 is paid for pupils classed as Service Children.
It is our responsibility to ensure that all children in our school achieve their potential and in order to do so we seek to meet the individual needs of every child. Pupil Premium will be used and managed by us to enable us to tailor support for identified children in a range of ways appropriate to their needs.
When deciding how to spend the pupil premium grant we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by pupil premium pupils in the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied. Each child entitled to the pupil premium grant is unique in their situation and, with this in mind, at Willow Brook we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.
Our key objective in using the pupil premium grant is to close the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to pupil premium and those not. Historically pupils at Willow Brook Primary School achieve and attain well, often at levels much higher than those expected nationally. However, there is still a pattern of pupil premium pupils not achieving as well as those who are not entitled to the pupil premium grant.
We will ensure that:
- A high profile is given to Pupil Premium Pupils
- All staff are accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children
The progress and attainment of all pupils at Willow Brook is carefully tracked and analysed from a rich field of data in order to draw conclusions and develop action plans. We also make use of educational research in order to decide how best to spend our funding to maximise the opportunities for our pupils. Our current strategy is based on the research of The Education Endowment Foundation. Their findings can be found here:
Our current strategy statement can be read here: