
About Miss Watterson

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So far Miss Watterson has created 9 blog entries.
27 03, 2024

Year 4 Science Week

By |2024-04-08T11:14:01+01:00March 27th, 2024|Class 4|Comments Off on Year 4 Science Week

Year 4 had a fantastic week investigating everything time-related for Science Week. Testing how quickly we could make Jelly dissolve, to fruit or not to fruit, was just one of the questions on our minds! We then used what we had been learning about during this half term's whole-school topic to create our own [...]

8 02, 2024

The great Year 4 Bake Off!

By |2024-02-08T17:23:52+00:00February 8th, 2024|Class 4|Comments Off on The great Year 4 Bake Off!

This half term Year 4 have been learning all about what makes a balanced and healthy diet. As part of this, we designed our own healthy breakfast bars, deciding what would go into them,  then working in pairs to bake their designs. Year 4 really enjoyed baking their tasty treats that had a balance [...]

3 10, 2023

Year 4 Roman Experience

By |2023-10-04T10:26:33+01:00October 3rd, 2023|Class 4|Comments Off on Year 4 Roman Experience

This week year 4 welcomed General Gregorious to Willow Brook! The children had an amazing day having a close-up look at Roman artefacts and testing their skills as Roman gladiators. As you can see from the smiles on the children's faces they really enjoyed the activities! Some of them found their calling [...]

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