Legal basis
The Governing Board is constituted as follows:
- 5 parent governors, elected from the parent body
- 1 Local Authority governor, appointed by Nottinghamshire County Council in accordance with the school’s Eligibility Criteria
- 1 elected staff governor
- Headteacher
- 6 co-opted governors, appointed by the Board to provide required skills, one of which must be a member of school staff.
Click here to see a list of our current governors.
When appointing new governors, the Board must consider its Required Skill Set and seek governors whose skills complement those already on the Board.
The formal Instrument of Governance is available for inspection in school.
Code of Conduct
The Board has embraced the Nolan Committee Standards in Public Life, in the form of a Code of Conduct to which all governors subscribe.
What do we do?
As you can see in the Code of Conduct, the Board has 3 main responsibilities:
- Establishing strategic direction
- Ensuring accountability
- Ensuring financial probity
In practice, this is achieved through discussion, questioning and analysis of the school’s performance, as well as visiting school to validate what we’ve been told.
We record our activities formally through the minutes of three committees:
- the Governing Board, which meets termly to review performance and set direction, and determines the remit/composition of two subcommittees;
- the Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee is responsible for financial planning and monitoring, which is inevitably linked to staffing and general expenditure;
- the Strategic Development and Pupils Committee is responsible for strategy and curriculum-related activities
Delegation of responsibilities to these committees, and in some cases to individuals, is agreed annually: we make use of an NCC-produced document called the Decision Planner.
Link Governors
Of course, much of the work is carried out outside the committees. We have structured this with (a role we call) Link Governors: individual governors volunteer to lead the work of the Board in specific areas, some of which are statutory, but many are simply areas that we as a Board feel are important, or which are the subject of specific focus in policy or Ofsted inspection. The Link Governor reports their findings back to the relevant committee, so that all governors are kept informed of progress in each area. Reporting timescales vary, depending on the area of focus, and the list is continually under review as priorities change.
This document provides guidance for Link Governors on their role and how to undertake it: Link Governor Role.