Task 2: Our objective:
To write a speech bubbles for the vegetables being chased by evil peas
Your task:
We are thinking about the story of Supertato again today.
The evil peas are taking over the supermarket! Oh no!
In our lives we say different things depending on what is happening or where we are. If our friend is hurt we would say “are you ok, do you need help?” if we were on a ride at a theme park we might SHOUT “wheeee!” and if we were in bed about to go to sleep we might whisper “goodnight”.
What would the vegetables in the supermarket say at this moment (show image on writing frame). Look at their expressions and their actions to give you clues. Click on the link below to see the worksheet for this task.
Literacy Supertato speech bubble.docx
Task 3:
We are going to design a character, inspired by the hero of this story!
Please find attached the frame we will be using at school, however, this will work just as well on a plain piece of paper.
We would love for you to showcase your artistic skills by drawing your own design for a new vegetable superhero! Add labels for any materials you might need for when we make this character, using any vegetable you have available at home.
Our objective: to follow our design to make a super vegetable
Once you have designed your vegetable, your task is to use any materials you already have at home and a spare vegetable to create a superhero to help Supertato defeat the evil peas!
Follow your design, make an ordinary vegetable into a super vegetable using paper, glue, felt tips and any materials you have at home. Upload a photograph of your finished masterpiece to your child’s MS Teams account, as we would love to see them.