The last day of the half term was full of pirate challenges in the infants, with all of the children dressed in their best pirate costume. After coming into school in the morning we quickly discovered that Captain Sinker had stolen all of our jewels! We were very excited to try and earn them back and win the pirate treasure.
Our first challenge was to get all of the children from one side of the trim trail to the other without falling off. It wasn’t as easy as it looks as Miss Johnston found out! The children were very helpful and worked as a team to make sure everyone made it across safely. With all of their great teamwork and concentration we managed to win back our first piece of sparkly treasure.
Whilst taking part in a little bit of pirate dancing in the hall, Miss Tarrant discovered another clue. It was time for the Ship Wreck Rummage! Hidden somewhere in the infants were 3 of our jewels. We quickly rushed into the infants to start looking. Pencil pots were emptied and jigsaws searched before we found the hidden jewels.
After all of the rummaging, it was only right that a third clue involved a little tidying up. To get the final jewel the children needed to make our infant ship tidy. I don’t think I’ve even seen the children so enthusiastic about tidying up!
After all of our hard work we managed to earn our treasure. It was the perfect end to our pirate topic Here are some photographs of our day.