A New Year Arrives!

I hope that you’ve had a wonderful and restful Christmas holiday and enjoyed your two-week break. Firstly, may I thank you all for the wonderfully kind gifts and cards that you gave – they were sincerely appreciated and enjoyed throughout the holidays.

Over Christmas, I’ve been busy spending time with my family and doing lots of fun things. For example, I went bowling for the first time in years and visited Nottingham Castle for a tour around Mortimer’s Hole. As tradition dictates, we also went to the panto at the Theatre Royal to see Dick Whittington.

I’ve had time to myself (occasionally) and I’ve been able to work my way through another Star Wars book that I’ve sincerely enjoyed. For those of you on the waiting list I’m just 352 pages away from getting the next class book – I can’t wait! As we return in 2024, we’ve got lots of great things planned – read on to find out more…

What are we learning?

In year 5 we’re going to be reading a book called Skellig, written by a man called David Almond.  It’s a fantastic book – not quite as deadly and murderous as Beowulf but it’s a brilliant story all the same. I know we’ll love it!

Highlights from last half term

Artists & Authors

Last half term the children in class five impressed me so much with their fantastic work. They carefully planned, drafted, edited and – finally – published their wonderful 1,001 Arabian Night’s books and shared their successes with the rest of the school visiting to see our books. In addition to this, the class  recreated their own version of ‘we three Kings’ following a star utilising their knowledge of blending when using watercolours. They were a joy to read. 

Home Learning

Handed out Friday – Returned Friday


We will provide your child with books from school to read at home. Please try to read as frequently as possible and sign the relevant part of the reading diary – thank you in advance!

Homework Book

Each week your child will bring home their homework book along with some pieces of homework to complete. For example, each week spellings will be sent home along with a piece of Maths and English. The tasks will link to learning we have done in school that week (or have recently covered). Spellings will be tested on a Friday too.

A catch up

If you do have any questions or concerns that I can help with, please catch me on the playground and I’ll do my best to answer them then and there.

Kind regards,

Mr. Litchfield