The Community Department have been very busy recently, working hard on a new parking policy. This came about from a whole school School Council assembly where the children were discussing what it was like on Willow Brook and the Fairway before and after school. A sea of hands went up as children shared concerns about the busyness of the road, unsafe parking, the dangers of crossing the road, driveways being blocked, parking in the bus stop and on the yellow zigzags (or opposite them), in addition to parking too close to the junctions resulting in tricky, unsafe turns for drivers. The children had many concerns but more importantly… many ideas of how to improve the situation and hopefully solve some of the problems.
The Community Department worked hard to devise a letter to parents and a parking policy which was designed all on one document with the idea being that this can then be split into two and the policy displayed on the fridge at home as a permanent reminder. The children sought advice from a marketing expert and collaborated effectively as a team to incorporate the ideas of all the children at Willow Brook and the finished result is attached below.