We have had a wonderfully happy Children in Need Day at Willow Brook, full of fun and a seriously long money raising challenge!
Our day started with a ‘spot check’ and prizes for the most outstanding costumes. As you can see, there were plenty of inventive outfits…from spotted dragons to Dalmatians and Pudsey Bears….
And two from every class won a handful of treats!
Mr Jones and the school council had set up two exciting challenges for the morning and the children were keen to crack on with the inter-class competitions. The first involved weighing the money that each cohort had brought in. Over the past week the tactics had been changing daily and, with little encouragement, children were working out which coins were best to collect and encouraging parents to nip to the bank to change £10 notes for 2p coins! Weighing trays full of coppers took a while…
Eventually the results were in and the 2017 Children in Need Fundraising Champions were…. Year 6!
After learning how to measure with a trundle wheel, the whole school (including pre-school) set about making a money mile! It was quite an operation! By lunchtime our line had gone across the hall…
Out of the front door….
Across the playground…
On to top court…
Twice round the quad…
and back into the building…
It was quite a sight when it was all finished (and quite an operation to make sure that we picked up as many coins as we had put down!)
After lunch, we relaxed to Pete’s Dragon on the big screen and ate more cakes whilst the big count in the office began!
And what a count it was! Four hours later and every member of staff was lending a hand…
And Mrs Phillips suggested that we might perhaps do a challenge with £5 notes next year!
Thank you Willow Brook for another fabulous fund raising day. If you happened to be moved by the stories and children on the BBC on Friday night, you will be proud of all that we achieved.
And was it worth it? Well, I’d say that our grand total of £840 made every penny put down and picked up worth while! That’s quite incredible. Thank you so much for your generosity and support.