Curriculum Statement


R.E. has fast become a strength of the school. We aim to enable our pupils to discover more about religion as well as other world views as we guide their understanding and progress through our creative curriculum.

Our pupils are encouraged to express ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in lessons where content provokes challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of their lives. We welcome visitors to share a range of real religious views, values and ways of life. We also arrange visits to varied sites of worship and places in our community where young children can explore their thinking and bring their classroom learning to life. By the time they reach Year 6 it is our aim for them to be able to articulate a balanced and well-rounded attitude about the spiritual and religious diversity that exists in our locality and around the world.

Our full Curriculum Intent Statement can be found here:

Willow Brook statement of Intent for RE

The school draws its curriculum from the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus, the full content of which can be found here:

Agreed Syllabus 2021-2026 RE for All

Progression is planned using County materials and Willow Brook specific priorities:

RE Progression skills planning

RE is taught in every year group on a weekly basis. Our RE lead plans, delivers and assesses all sessions and shares her expertise and enthusiasm for learning. A typical lesson will include new knowledge and exploration, whole-class discussion and a personal response that captures the learning. Consequently, Willow Brook children develop a sound knowledge of the world in which they live and work. Their knowledge encourages tolerance and collaboration. We use our locality to explore different aspects of religion and the growing culture and diversity of Keyworth. Our whole-school planning mirrors this and is reviewed annually to reflect change. An overview of our comprehensive RE coverage can be found here:

Religious Education Curriculum whole school planning

Half termly units are work are planned in detail. Here is an example of a 0ur scheme:

Year 6 Autumn content