Saturday 2nd January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will be aware from the media over the past two days, the opening of primary schools during
this critical period has proved to be controversial. Having been advised until the end of the week
that, with appropriate risk assessments safely in place, the term should begin with all pupils
engaging in face to face learning, we now find ourselves in a more uncertain situation. On Friday
night, key unions urged teaching staff not to attend school settings in the interest of their personal
and community safety. As was the case on June 1st, the Willow Brook team remained committed to
opening. At the time of writing this email, school leaders have had no further clarity from the
Department of Education or the Local Authority. Clearly, their recommendations later today will
provide our direction for the week ahead and the planned route to any phased start to the term that
experts feel is required. Whilst we have been working towards opening on Monday morning, this is
not yet guaranteed.
In the event of the school having to move to remote learning, we will inform you without delay. Full
details of work for pupils will be forwarded to you on Monday morning – teachers have been asked
to prepare for this eventuality.
Should this situation arise and as keyworkers you require on-site learning provision, you will need to
contact the school by email to register your interest so that appropriate provision can be planned.
Your employer will provide you with proof of your keyworker status if required. A comprehensive
explanation and list of qualifying roles can be found by following this link:
You will need to book into WB’s Wraparound as usual if you require any before/after school care.
I can only apologise for such a late decision. I underline once again that school leaders hear updates
as and when they are released to the media. I empathise with any frustration that this situation
causes and simply add that we too find our position worrying and difficult.
I will keep you updated as the day unfolds.
With regards,
Louise Ballard