On Thursday 3rd October I had the pleasure to take our fittest, strongest eight children to represent Willow Brook in the Rushcliffe Cross Country Primary Schools Championship (at least that’s what I call it). This is in my opinion the toughest and most punishing event in the calendar, as children race out of sight, up and down hills and fight their way through crowds to find their relay partner. Many of the children attended the race for the first time and some of them made a spectacular debut. Being from a small school clearly didn’t hold us back, since even though we had year fours and fives against the West Bridgford schools year sixes, we still got some excellent results. The boys finished in the top half of the table, (I counted over 28 school teams) and the girls got our best result ever! 4th place!
I couldn’t have been more proud of their effort and determination! Well done!
I’d like to say a big thank you to the parents, child minders, and grannies who came to support in the cold wind. As ever, you set a fantastic example of sporting attitude to our children!
Mr Jones