Mr Clarke

About Mr Clarke

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So far Mr Clarke has created 36 blog entries.
20 10, 2023

We Go Marching On!

By |2023-10-20T18:28:05+01:00October 20th, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Sport|Comments Off on We Go Marching On!

On Monday, in front of a sold out Brook Arena (home of Willow Brook), the girls' football team put in an early contender for performance of the season. 2 goals for Emilia and 1 for Jasmin saw the girls come out as 3-0 winners vs Heymann. The team attacked with positive intent throughout and [...]

13 10, 2023

Rugby Festivals

By |2023-10-13T10:32:10+01:00October 13th, 2023|Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Sport|Comments Off on Rugby Festivals

This week, children from KS2 got the opportunity to play in Tag Rugby Festivals at Nottingham Rugby Club. We practiced lots of different skills and put these into matches vs other schools at the end. Great fun was had, take a look at our team photos below! [...]

5 10, 2023

A full week of sport!

By |2023-10-05T22:00:58+01:00October 5th, 2023|Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Front Page Slider, Sport|Comments Off on A full week of sport!

We have been busy with sport this week and tomorrow is a rare day off for the Willow Brook sporting teams! Monday saw the girls' football team travel over to Rosecliffe to play in a friendly match. This was an opportunity for a lot of the team to make debuts / get valuable minutes. [...]

24 09, 2023

Saturday Football Tournaments

By |2023-10-07T11:18:39+01:00September 24th, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Sport, Whole School|Comments Off on Saturday Football Tournaments

It was that time of the year again where the boys and girls football teams competed in the Rushcliffe cShools tournaments. The boys were up first (15th September) and after a tricky start, produced arguably the performance of the tournament with a 4-0 win against Gotham. Following that impressive result, they went on to [...]

18 07, 2023

Netball Champions!

By |2023-07-19T20:05:00+01:00July 18th, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Sport|Comments Off on Netball Champions!

Our final sporting tournament of the year couldn't have finished any better! The mixed year 5 & 6 netball team arrived at East Leake excited at the opportunity to represent school in competition. After an even 1-1 draw to start us off, the team proceeded to win the next 5 games. The more they [...]

13 07, 2023

The sporting adventures continue!

By |2023-07-13T09:53:53+01:00July 13th, 2023|Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Sport, Whole School|Comments Off on The sporting adventures continue!

We have been fortunate enough to continue to be busy with our sporting trips over the past few weeks. Year 5 & 6 started us off, taking part in a Scatterball Festival at Radcliffe. Year 1 & 2 got their first taste of representing school at a Multi Skills Festival at South Notts. Our [...]

19 06, 2023

Victories in football!

By |2023-07-12T22:11:34+01:00June 19th, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Front Page Slider, Sport, Whole School|Comments Off on Victories in football!

A victory for the boys and a victory for the girls over the last week! The boys played Lantern Lane in a league match. It was certainly up there as one of the best all round performances I have seen all season. Going 1-0 up early on, through Hughie, the boys weathered a Lantern [...]

16 06, 2023

Girls Netball Tournament

By |2023-06-16T18:23:33+01:00June 16th, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Sport|Comments Off on Girls Netball Tournament

Yesterday 8 girls took part in a netball tournament at the Nottingham Girls High School. The girls had a great time, although the results didn't quite go our way, the spirit and attitude levels remained positive throughout. Thanks to Tammy for giving up her time to coach and thank you to everyone who transported [...]

22 04, 2023

Girls Football Tournament

By |2023-04-22T14:17:51+01:00April 22nd, 2023|Class 5, Class 6, Sport|Comments Off on Girls Football Tournament

Bright and early this morning, the girls' football team took part in the Rushcliffe 7-a-side Saturday summer tournament. They played 4 games and produced positive performances throughout. Unfortunately, we didn't quite do enough to qualify from the group stages, however, we still had a great time and I am proud of their efforts. Well [...]

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