I hope you are all well and survived that rather soggy end to last week…the week ahead looks much more promising so I hope you’re able to get out and about!
This week’s English/Topic work is split into 2…as I’ve explained in the timetable, if you get carried away or particularly enthused by one, then of course feel free to let that be your focus and save the second half of English (whichever it may be!) for another time. Both lend themselves nicely to art or D and T projects and as always, I’d love to see what you’ve been up to so please send any work to me.
Here are a few children’s thoughts and feelings after looking at Malala last week…
“Malala has strength, courage and wisdom. The taliban were always threatening her…but threats did not scare Malala.”- Robert
“Malala’s story is sad and scary she had to leave her country as the taliban were bad and shot her on her school bus. She believed that all girls should go to school and get an education . She is now in England and I am sure she feels happy and safe. I think it would be scary and sad to be a refugee but also a little exciting about moving somewhere new and safe. “- Pia
Here is Phoenix’s beautifully neat retelling of Malala’s life:
Here is a fantastic poem that Jonah wrote after learning about Malala’s life:
Here is Jessica’s conclusion of her learning with a wonderful portrait of Malala: