Last week, along with other classes across school, Class 5 joined in with the fun of Science week discovering lots of new information from what must be a record number of experiments carried out in just one week!

At the beginning of the week we thoroughly enjoyed merging with class 4 to carry out experiments across the two classrooms where we looked at the best insulators of ice, an introduction to the PH scale with acids and alkalies and the best structure for building bridges.

Later on in the week, Class 5 had the pleasure of attending the Science Week event taking place at the BGS. As always, we had an exciting morning filled with rocks, fossils, earthquakes, soil and panning for gold!

Our week concluded with children presenting their science projects for our whole school science showdown. Class 5 made my job impossibly hard as there were so many fantastically scientific experiments that really demonstrated clever thinking and a lot of hard work that had been put in at home. We had a brilliant afternoon watching and questioning the science happening in everyone’s projects, here are a selection of photos that capture a few of the moments from our week…