Thank you Willow Brook for a fantastic Friday! Our Children in Need fundraising day did not disappoint. What’s more, our Just Giving total currently stands at £1.785! That is AMAZING!
You’ll see from the gallery, that Pudsey was out in force and furry onesies were perfect for a crisp November day!
The Duck Race in the afternoon was as exciting as we anticipated. Jake took the winners trophy having battled through the water with his winning duck and then moving on to defeat his opponents on a Teams challenge. I know that his Mum is particularly excited with the award that is now adorning her mantlepiece!
There were duck puns in bucket-loads for the design competition, too. From a ‘Duck billed battle bus’, Dum-bill-dore and Michael Quackintyre to a super Nottingham themed ‘Ey up me Duck’ and (my favourite) Quackers and Cheese – it was hard to pick a winner. Here are some of the winning designs:
They were created by Holly in Year 6, Poppy in Reception, Lucas in Year 6, George in Year 5 (and his Mum!), Sara in Year 4, Imogen in Year 5 and Mitchell in Year 5. Dumbilldore was (head)masterfully created by Evie in Year 5.