In a half term full of Olympic learning, what could be better than being taught by an Olympic athlete?! The Gymnast, Sam Oldham, who was part of Team GB in the 2012 Games in London, came to Willow Brook and wowed us all in a day full of handstands, back flips, strength and motivation. Each year group got a training session and Year 6 listened to him deliver such an inspiring message in their coaching session back in the classroom. He talked a lot about that positive inner voice and the need to take responsibility for making the best of yourself. The writing that Year 6 did in response was mature – they were clearly inspired.

Earlier in the week, Evie in Year 5 stood proudly alongside her Mum who brought her Olympic Torch to show us. She was chosen and given the honour of running with the flame in 2012.

Here are some photos from our week so far… there can’t be many schools who have had the privilege of having TWO Olympic Torches in at the same time.