Welcome to Safer Internet Day 2021!
For those of you who aren’t aware (where have you been hiding!?) Safer Internet Day is a pretty big deal in Willow Brook Primary School. You will find a day packed with fun activities designed to raise awareness and most importantly to get the children learning. Whilst some of the central themes remain the same, there is no danger of the day sounding like a broken record – each year the themes have been carefully chosen to reflect the most pressing issues of the day. You can be pretty certain that the messages to children from 1995 are quite different to those we present today!
Over the past few years we have asked the questions,
Connect and Respect: How can you create a better internet for everyone? (2018)
Share aware: How do we understand consent in a digital age? (2019)
Online identity: When you are online, are you still you? (2020)
This year is the year of internet trust.
How can we trust what we see online?
Each year our day centres around a whole school assembly where everyone gathers together to share and learn. Unfortunately it seems more like a decade than a year since the last time that happened! But fear not! Mrs Ballard has created a special Internet Safety Day video assembly for you to enjoy at your leisure!
You can see it here – https://willowbrookpri-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/head_willowbrook_notts_sch_uk/EeZpIUGQcf1Pi38XW443jPcBngFzkgmr25TV2qgdkZJZNA?e=CyEVql
This year, as ever, there are lots of resources for supporting children, teachers and families and teachers will be working with children on learning some of these key skills that are increasingly important.
This video introduces the day.
This video is a good example of the sort of content that children should learn to evaluate. Who knew meerkats were so thirsty?!