Well, what a ‘wild’ 2 days Years 1 and 2 had at school last week! It isn’t very often you get the opportunity to have a sleepover at school with your friends and both classes were so excited to arrive at school with all of their overnight belongings. I don’t think I’ve known children so eager to brush their teeth, put their PJs on and snuggle down in their sleeping bags. We had two very busy days full of shelter building, clay creature making, bug hotel building and lots of team work. I know both Miss Weston and I were tired and ready for bed on the Thursday evening as well as lots of sleepy children.

All of the children were fantastic and Wild Things staff commented on how polite and well-mannered the children are, plus what good eaters they were. They were very surprised that the peas and sweetcorn were the first food option to run out on the second helping of pasta.

We had a brilliant couple of days with lots of smiles and laughter. Here are a few photographs from our camp, if you would like to see more of the photographs I am sure they will be displayed on the Year 1 and 2 classroom screens during open afternoon.