In this morning’s assembly the first week’s results from the reading challenge were announced and added to the Race to Waterstones track! With the hope that reading is shared most days at home, our aim is for a member of the family to add three comments in a reading record book to count towards the class total.
The scores on the wall today were… (in reverse order to add some tension!)
Year 5 with 60%
EYFS with 67%
Year 4 also had 67%
Year 3 were on 76%
Year 6 and Year 2 tied on 80% and…
Year 1 took an early lead with a massive 83%!
Our nominated reading champions all chose a prize – well done Anabelle, Jasmine, Phoenix, Isaac, Noah, Ella May, and George, (whose Mum was delighted to send us a photo taken after Saturday’s trip to Waterstones!)