I hope that you are quickly getting used to working in your Notebook on Teams. This week’s learning is here just in case…
Year 2 Class Home learning planner 2
Mon- Topic- 18.01.21- Map work
Monday 18th January Story Mountain
Monday 18th January Subtracting Number Bonds.docx
Thur- Science- 21.01.21 Year 2
Thursday 21st January Before the fall.docx
Thursday 21st January Subtracting 9 and 11.docx
Tuesday 19th January Subtracting multiples of 10.docx
Tuesday 19th January Writing Template.docx
Wed- Topic- 20.01.21- Map work
Wednesday 20th January On the other side of the wall.docx
Wednesday 20th January Problem Solving.docx
Friday 22nd January My World.docx