Year 3 work for the week beginning January 11th Week 2 Class 3 Home learning planner Week 2 descriptive sentences Week 2 inverse addition and subtraction Week 2 Iron Man Chapter 1 Week 2 maths arrays Week 2 prepositions Week 2 repeated addition Week 2 science rock properties Week 2 adverb suggestions By Mrs Ballard|2021-01-14T16:38:28+00:00January 11th, 2021|Class 3|Comments Off on Year 3 work for the week beginning January 11th Please feel free to share this story.Remember to seek consent of a parent or carer before sharing a photo of children or naming any child online. FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Year 3 Spring 1 Learning Letter Gallery Year 3 Spring 1 Learning Letter Superstan! Gallery Superstan! Rowers and Multi Skillers! Gallery Rowers and Multi Skillers! Year 3’s Trip to the Recycling Centre Gallery Year 3’s Trip to the Recycling Centre Superheroes for Children in Need! Gallery Superheroes for Children in Need!