Thanks to a second visit from our trusted superhero, Captain Connection, Willow Brook children have once again used their mathematical minds to defeat Lord Homework!
In a time-travelling escapade, our algebra skills were needed to crack the code to free Scheherazade from the evil vizier in ancient Baghdad. Every year group rose to the challenge and even our reception children were battling simple algebra with enthusiastic determination! Captain Connection even had time to visit every classroom to encourage some resilience and high-level thinking!
You’ll be pleased to know that every year group brought back a solution that released the princess by lunch time and all was well.
We hope that your children shared their time travelling maths adventure with you – they certainly proved that even the youngest minds can solve puzzles and find logic! They also learnt that algebra was first talked about in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad and how lost the modern world would be without it. History, maths, drama and active learning all rolled beautifully into one fabulous morning!