News from Class 3
Year 3 Spring 1 Learning Letter
2025 Y3 Spring Learning Letter
News from Class 3
2025 Y3 Spring Learning Letter
Over the past week, our children in Years 2 to 6 have performed to a packed house. Willow Brook's production of Superstan was an action packed journey to Megaville, where heroes battled to save the city from the evil Candy King! As you can see from the photos, the four performances were full of [...]
In late November, eight children in years 5 & 6 attended a rowing festival (on machines!) just down the road at South Wolds Academy. The children faced a series of challenges and achieved their best score on their very last attempt! Well done team! We have also had two multi skills festivals in [...]
Class 3 had a fantastic trip to the Recycling Centre on Monday this week. The children (and adults!) learnt how to be 'Bin Smart' when it comes to recycling and were shocked by some of the things we should and shouldn't actually be recycling. We then got to learn how the process works at [...]
It is always a pleasure to support the BBC's Children in Need fundraiser and Willow Brook does it with superhero strength! It is a charity close to our hearts and helps our young people to be a community in action for children who might not have the opportunities and privileges that we so often [...]
Tuesday was the start of Willow Brook's Anti-Bullying Week. We came together with Andy and his Odd Socks to remember how important it was to celebrate difference and promote respect. Everyone in school listened to some good advice on how to treat our friends and also how to show self-respect. We wrote pledges, talked [...]
The Willow Brook half term is off to a action-packed start with the Big Bad Wolf introducing our whole-school topic, Heroes and Villains'! It's easy to believe what you've always heard... the wolf, with his sharp teeth, razor-sharp claws and reputation for spoiling more than one traditional tale, is not to be trusted. But [...]
Year 3 Autumn 2 Learning Letter
In our art lesson this week, we explored prehistoric artwork making links to out history topic. Back in the Stone Age they used natural materials to write, draw and paint the cave walls with. We had a go ourselves at using some to make paint! We mixed flour and water, then tried adding cinnamon, [...]
It was a pleasure to welcome you all to our Friday morning MacMillan Coffee Morning last week. As you can see from the photos, there's nothing better than a slice of cake and a brew to get the day underway! Your brilliant bake off entries were nothing short of spectacular and I had no [...]