The end of term exhibition was the perfect afternoon to share a half term of hard work with you all! Our Connections topic has been a fabulous exploration of ‘community’ that considered past, present and future, engaging every curriculum subject to add different angles to our learning.

Our exhibition captured the six core focuses, which ranged from careers to poetry. We were inspired by ex-Willow Brook pupils to think about mapping a flight path to our own ambitions, as well as being visited by many different local businesses, societies and leaders. Keyworth is certainly a thriving place!

Take a look at a hall full of work…

Our exhibition also gave us an opportunity to showcase this half term’s Creative Curriculum homework! Creating a new version of the game ‘Operation’ certainly stirred your thinking and there were some outstanding family projects which showed imagination, ingenuity and working circuits! Incredible! The children were very proud of their games and thoroughly enjoyed playing the different versions. The afternoon was ‘buzzing’ in more ways than one…

Here is a selection for you to enjoy…