Dragon Days

Information about the 2017 Christmas Play.

15 12, 2017

Gilda’s behind the scenes of Dragon Days by Grace D

By |2017-12-15T10:31:08+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Gilda’s behind the scenes of Dragon Days by Grace D

Gilda’s behind the scenes of Dragon Days by Grace The willow brook production this year was the amazing! This play was directed by the brilliant teacher Miss Hackett and performed by years 2,3,4,5 and year 6. There have been many stumbles and changes but the production could not have been any better. Parts The parts [...]

15 12, 2017

The Villagers by Max

By |2017-12-15T10:27:50+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on The Villagers by Max

The villagers Dragon Days Villager 9 Villager 9 is a part that I really liked being in the play. It didn’t have many lines which is what I wanted. I was nervous when I was saying, “Since Old Ma came there is more than one dragon in these parts!” People parts in the play Lewis [...]

15 12, 2017

Dragon Days Behind the Scenes! by Lewis

By |2017-12-15T10:26:11+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Dragon Days Behind the Scenes! by Lewis

Dragon Days behind the Scenes! I was ready to start the play, I knew I was ready to perform but when I entered the hall I was really nervous. As soon as I got used to it though, it got better and better. Auditions 2017 A lot of people in our year had some really [...]

15 12, 2017

Dragon Days Christmas Play 2017 by Izzy

By |2017-12-15T10:22:11+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Dragon Days Christmas Play 2017 by Izzy

Dragon days Christmas play 2017 We had our school play this week and I am going to tell you a little about what happens behind the scenes. In all the plays we have done, you may have thought how great they were but it has not always been that way! In our dress rehearsal we [...]

15 12, 2017

Dragon Days Christmas Production 2017 by Annabelle

By |2017-12-15T10:20:06+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Dragon Days Christmas Production 2017 by Annabelle

Dragon Days Christmas Production 2017 This year’s production/play was probably slightly different to other school plays we’ve done in the past years, this is because Miss Hackett was directing this year. This meant Mrs Ballard had to step back, seeming as she is head teacher now! Auditioning The auditioning was the hardest bit- the teachers [...]

15 12, 2017

Behind the Scenes Dragon Days 2017! by Billy

By |2017-12-15T10:17:40+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Behind the Scenes Dragon Days 2017! by Billy

Behind the scenes Dragon Days 2017! Before the school play started I was so ready, I thought it would be a simple task, little did I know it wasn’t that easy… First of all I auditioned to be Old Ma Rumble- basically she is this old woman who has a son called Tommy Rumble. Old [...]

15 12, 2017

Dragon Days Review by Josh

By |2017-12-15T10:14:44+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Dragon Days Review by Josh

Dragon Days Review You should have seen Willow Brook’s 2017 Christmas play by now. However easy it may look, it takes more effort than it seems. Did you know the stage was originally set up like last year? There was a central stage for the mountain and a stage on either side, one for the [...]

15 12, 2017

Behind the Scenes by Jorja

By |2017-12-15T10:12:48+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Behind the Scenes by Jorja

Behind the Scenes Willow Brook School Play The school play in Willow Brook Primary School was a fun topic for all the children although not everything went to plan. You see, I was a wise old woman and I sat next to the old crones and the Dragon. In the first few rehearsals we started [...]

15 12, 2017

Band Leader by Jacob

By |2017-12-15T10:11:08+00:00December 15th, 2017|Dragon Days|Comments Off on Band Leader by Jacob

Band Leader The band leader is the part I played. Even though it only had three lines on stage in total, I chose it for its German line. The line was, “Singen wir, wir sint so Alpine, ingsgazamt jetz, altogether now!” The other two were just the introduction and, “We’re players not slayers!” I really [...]

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